Get ready for a monstrously fun story that puts a wholesome twist on a familiar fear...THE MONSTER ABOVE THE BED by Kailei Pew and Steph Lew! Full disclosure, Kailei was my PB Rising Stars Mentor in 2022, so I already knew from that experience just how wonderfully talented she is...but this concept!!! You just smack your head and say, "Why didn't I think of that?!" So clever and so smart twisting the common childhood fear of "monsters under the bed" to what a monster would think of the "monster" above their bed!
"Blossom loves jumping snake, swimming in the bog, and playing slime ball. She doesn’t love the creepy sounds above her bed that no one else seems to notice. Determined to get to the top of it once and for all, Blossom hatches a plan that leads her to find courage…and a new friend. This is a wholesome twist on a familiar fear that will make you wonder—what do the monsters under our beds think about us?"
The adorable illustrations of Blossom and her under-the-bed world from Steph Lew are gentle, colorful, and perfect for kids who have nighttime worries and fears. You can't help but fall in love with Blossom! We need stuffies and costumes of Blossom down to her daisy hair clip and yellow ankle bracelet now...I want all the merch!
Preorder THE MONSTER ABOVE THE BED now before it debuts on October 24, 2023 from Clarion Books!
Give a glow to a dark bedroom with these daisy string lights that match Blossom!
THE MONSTER ABOVE THE BED by Kailei Pew and Steph Lew
Buy from Literally A Bookshop (preorder personalized copies signed by Kailei)
Daisy string lights
To thank Kailei for being our amazing PB Rising Stars Mentor, Tunisia Williams (2023 PB Rising Star mentee) is giving one lucky winner a copy of THE MONSTER ABOVE THE BED AND I am giving the same lucky winner a set of daisy LED string lights! Please go to my X (Twitter) and/or Instagram to enter the giveaway for a chance at winning this fun BOOK + GIFT combo!
ICYMI If you are a 2023 debut creator the Google Form is open to be featured on BOOK + GIFT! No need to wait until your debut month, you can fill out the form now! October, November and December debuts please don't delay! I'm eager to celebrate you during your Book Birthday month!
More details about being featured on the BOOK + GIFT blog can be found HERE.
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